Jeannie is a  qualified practitioner in Touch for Health Kinesiology  and a Health Kinesiology Associate. She is a Registered Nurse, and also previously practised as a midwife.  She works both in the  holistic sector as a complementary therapist and also continues to work as a nurse in  Occupational Health. Her areas of interest include nutrition and the therapeutic effects of the natural environment, along with other interests which include sport, travelling, dancing and  rock climbing.

Jeannie offers a highly professional but caring approach to her clients having gained much experience working both in UK and overseas as a nurse and midwife. She is currently studying Kinergetics – a modality of Kinesiology that was developed in Australia by Phil Rafferty and is also undertaking taking further courses in nutrition.

Nursing complimented Jeannie’s interest in travel which took her to the developed and developing world. The work that she has done also involved, humanitarian work, expeditions and working in remote areas.  Whilst experiencing the diversity of different countries and cultures her interest in holistic healthcare and nutrition continued to grow.  The belief that the body has the ability to ‘heal’ itself also continues to fascinate her.

Jeannie discovered Kinesiology over 20 years ago after experiencing it for herself and was so amazed by the benefits after just the first session that she decided to train as a Kinesiologist.

Jeannie is a member of the Kinesiology Federation ( and holds professional indemnity insurance.

Please click here to view our prices here at The Therapy Lodge.

Treatments by Jeannie