Ruth Fielding , Trained As an NVQ2 beauty therapist in  2015.

Diploma Trained in microdermabrasion with Star beauty school 2015.

Skinbase diploma trained in microdermabrasion in 2015.

I specialise in Skinbase microdermabrasion.
Last year I was chosen to have an article in Closer magazine for my results from microdermabrasion.
I had bad acne in my late teens and early twenties and absolutely nothing helped . I worked as cabin crew in my 20’s and really had enough of hiding my bad skin under layers of make up.

Fortunately I came across an article on microdermabrasion in Vogue magazine , left by a passenger . I found a salon about 15 miles away who carried out the treatment and it honestly changed my life.

I went from hiding my skin under layers of makeup, to wearing none on my days off.

After doing lots of beauty courses over the years including my NVQ3 aromatherapy and not really doing much with them, I got an opportunity when I was made redundant to retrain and jumped at the chance to take my NVQ2 beauty therapy qualification and I wanted to specialise specifically in microdermabrasion.

I felt it was the right time to start microdermabrasion,  As it helped me ,I knew I wanted to help others who were suffering with their skin .

I now have so many clients say microdermabrasion has changed their lives,  It truely is a wonder treatment.

Reflexology can help to open energy pathways in the body to improve the  sense of wellbeing, expel toxins and aid natural healing. Areas in the body suffering an energy imbalance can be traced on the feet and hands.

Ruth considers  that Reflexology is a wonderful, non invasive, relaxing therapy which has a proven track record of helping clients to not only feel better but also to look better – more relaxed and at ease!

Aromatherapy uses essential oil from plants and trees to help relax, detoxicate and rejuvenate the body.

Specific ailments or stress can be treated with a soothing massage using a blend of these essential oils in a base oil. Ruth can blend the oils according to the client’s requirements and the client can test the oils to make sure they are to their liking.

Aromatherapy is a very pleasant treatment and the natural, energy inspiring oils are inhaled and absorbed into the body resulting in relaxation or a feeling of uplift according to the client’s requirements.

Treatments by Ruth